Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I don't know what it is about tonight, this facade of peace overlaying a melancholy that seems to be bone deep.  It is not the stress of daily life that is the root of this feeling, there is stress there, true but this stems from something deeper.  It is the feeling of imminent action, the calm before the first lightning strike and the ear aching to hear the sound of the first drops of rain.  Perhaps it is a restlessness of spirit that yearns to hear the call of action, the trumpets of... something as we care called to marshal at the battle lines and hold our flags and weapons high.

I do not think it is mere boredom, although boredom is part of it, as I sit alone in the dark among the crickets but something much deeper.  Perhaps I am just feeling the weight of my soul on these long warm nights, as peace falls around me and throws into sharp relief the lack of it in my own heart.  Perhaps I am too used to threading the complicated maze, but I can't help but look at the stars tonight and feel there is a call just outside of my hearing, or a hand just out of reach.  Maybe once I have trodden among the stars and walked all the paths of my own mind I will hear it, until then I will continue to listen, and hold out my hand for the other to grasp.

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